Is your Pool leaking?
We can find the leak and fix it, FAST!
Have a Leak?
Your pool will naturally lose some water to evaporation, some to splash out and some to backwash. You may also gain water from rainfall. Our rule of thumb is, if you’ve lost more than 1/2-inch during a 24 hour period, you’ll need to perform a pool leak detection procedure and apply pool leak repair methods to address any leaks in skimmers, return lines, lights and drains and/or cracks in the pool masonry and/or patch/replace liners.
Pools can leak through any of the fittings or accessories, plumbing or even right through the shell. It is important to repair pool leaks, not only to save water, heat and chemicals, but also to prevent undermining pool structural components, and washing away fill dirt.
Louisville Leak Detection
About Louisville Leak Detection
We've been in the pool business since 1988 and we struggled to find the best solution for leak detection in pools and related lines and equipment.
We found that in the equipment designed and built by LeakTronics.
Their equipment makes it fast and easy to find leaks in your pool, water lines, or equipment saving you time and money in the event of a leak.